quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2012

@NajeeDeTigre said he loves his cast including The @ErikaWFong

Erika Fong just enter your twitter, and chatted with Rachael. Please tweet what she said below:

Rachael:  you ate all the dang mochi!  
Erika:  bhahaha Yess I did!!!! Yummy in my tummy.

After Rachael replied saying:

ERIKA: @rsfahlstrom get in gurrl

 Najee De-Tiege He said he loves his cast of PRSS including our Erika Fong:

Najee:       Love my cast :-7 We are all are happy PPL

Rachael said whatever Dayu series "Power Rangers Samurai" which is now in version of "Power Rangers Super Samurai" said she should surrender that will have a part in human Dayu! Do you agree?

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